cv Game Dev Robotics

General Information

Full Name Kadyn Martinez
Date of Birth 28th October 1994
Languages English, Japanese (Some), Spanish (Some)


  • Laguages: C++, C, C#, Python, JavaScript, MySQL
  • Frameworks: ROS, ROS2, OpenCV, Unreal Engine GAS, Django, Keras
  • Game Engines: Unity, Unreal Engine
  • Tools: Git, Linux, Docker


  • 2022-2024
    B.S. Computer Science
    Chico State University, Chico, United States
    • Software Engineering
    • Machine Learning
    • Advanced Algorithms
    • Parallel Programming
    • Data Science
    • Robotics


  • 2022
    Robotics Software Engineer
    Techshare Inc., Tokyo, Japan
    • Developed custom monitoring system to monitor and control fleet of 30+ robots in constrained environments.
    • Developed engineering standards with regards to stack, deployment, pipeline, and workflow.
  • 2016-2020
    Robotics Software / Machine Learning Engineer
    Simbe Robotics, Inc., San Francisco, United States
    • Modified and integrated off-the-shelf models into inhouse pipeline.
    • Modified off-the-shelf models to use inhouse data.
    • Iteratively improved models and detection workflow, decreasing computation time by 80% with minimal loss in accuracy.
    • Created evaluation service to compare models and weights agnostically on key metrics.
    • Created tooling for synthetic data creation to supplement limited data availablilty.
    • Created flask services to process pipeline output and generate deliverables automatically.
  • 2016
    Robotics Instructor
    MV Code Club, San Francisco, United States
    • Taught students to develop simple robots using rasperry pis.
  • 2015-2016
    Game Development Instructor
    MV Code Club, San Francisco, United States
    • Taught Unity to middle school and highschool students.
    • Developed 3D and 2D demonstrations for students to follow.
    • Developed inhouse tools for assistance in student learning.
  • 2012
    Web Developer
    Netguava, Chico, United States
    • Managed .net websites for clients.
    • Programmed inhouse tools in C#.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Cute Robots, Learning Languages, Competitive Video Games, Game Development, 3D Modeling